Pink Rose Signature Floral Diffuser

Penny & Rose's Signature Floral Bouquet Collection fills the room with warm nostalgia and excites the home with dreams of whimsical days gone by. Each floral bouquet is uniquely handcrafted and inspired by nature with thin, paper petals that absorb and diffuse the oil beautifully throughout any room.
Modeled after seltzer bottles from the 30s and 40s, these vintage-style bottles uniquely display your bouquet and, with the custom designed seltzer bottle top, may be reused for soap, home décor, or anything your creative heart desires. So whether you’re working, relaxing, or reminiscing with loved ones, embrace the day with Penny & Rose, and discover a scent for your thoughts.
Set Contains: 7 Petite Pink Rose Fragrance Diffusers, Special Edition Penny & Rose Seltzer-Inspired Bottle with Decorative Seltzer-Inspired Top and 6.7 oz / 200 ml Premium Fragrance Oil in Summertime Spirits